Habits You Should Get Into

Do you know how many hours of sleep you need? Or how much coffee is too much coffee? Here are some basic health tips that anyone could follow.

Maybe start off with getting enough sleep, turning off that TV before bed. Gradual changes in your lifestyle make an easier adjustment. What has helped you change a bad habit in the past?

Check out lifehack.org for more interesting and helpful articles.

Monday Morning, Back at the Desk? Here are Some Healthy Tips When Sitting at a Computer

I have a balance ball for a work chair, I put the garbage can across the room, and I am constantly getting up for water. That’s how I keep moving through the work day. The effects of sitting for long periods of time (i.e. 40 hours a week for 30+ years) can be as severe as heart disease or cancer. Click on the picture above or here to see tips on improving your posture at work. Meanwhile, try to get up at least once an hour to get a movement going.

Click here for some more information of the effect of sedentary lifestyles.

Happy Monday!