Hormones in your food? What are your thoughts?

It has been out there for a while that hormones are injected into your meats, dairy and even some plants. A recent article featured on Yahoo! says it’s not necessarily bad to have hormones in your food. Click on the image below to read the full article. Do you think hormones should be in food, is it necessary?

Sex Hormones May Be Lurking in Your Food

Photo from Yahoo! Photo Cred: Travis Rathbone/Trunk Archive

Here’s a delicious (and healthy) mid-week recipe to try!

Usually, if it looks to good to be true, it is. In this case, this delicious meal is not just tasty, its good for you too! Now, I’m no nutritionist, but check out the Nutrition facts for your self! You can click on the picture above to go directly to the recipe. EatingWell has always been a go to for me to find healthy and delicious recipes. Enjoy!

Bring Back Saturday Night Pizza!

Relax, weekend weight gain won’t kill your diet

You’ve been eating well all week: oatmeal for breakfast, a salad for lunch and grilled chicken with vegetables for dinner. Then the weekend hits. Suddenly your taste buds want French fries at the bar and Mom’s cheesy lasagna is calling your name during Sunday dinner.

Not to worry. A new study suggests small weight gains on weekends are normal, and as long as you can compensate during the week, indulging a bit may even help you lose weight long-term.

“There is a clear weekly rhythm to weight variation for most people,” says one of the study authors, Anna-Leena Orsama, a research scientist with VTT Technical Research Center of Finland. “On the weekends there is more variability and unpredictability in what we eat.”

The study, “Weight Rhythms: Weight Increases during Weekends and Decreases during Weekdays,” was published this week in the journal Obesity Facts.

Continue reading here: http://thechart.blogs.cnn.com/2014/02/06/relax-weekend-weight-gain-wont-kill-your-diet/

Fresh Fall Dessert- Riesling Baked Pears, Yum!

As fall approaches we are always on the hunt for those classic, home-styled recipes. HealthyEating has a fabulous selection of not only desserts but dinner options too so you don’t have to sacrifice fall flavor for calories, or calories for fall flavor! Click on the picture below to see our favorite go-to recipe:

Riesling Baked Pears Recipe

Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle from Me to You

Here’s that word moderation again… keep that in mind as I list a few healthy tips:

1. Eat a colorful plate of foods.

2. Get at least a half hour of exercise in. (They say an hour of exercise is 4% of your day, so why not?)

3. Learn something new.

4. Breathe. Meditation for just 10 minutes a day could hep clear your mind, help you handle stress better and even help with the symptoms of medical conditions. Learn more here: http://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/meditation/in-depth/meditation/art-20045858

5. Smile.

– B, Care Transitions