Do you have time to be happy? Take this challenge with Care Transitions!

I view social media as a great way to connect, however, I also believe people may use social media as a means for reassurance and acceptance. In other words, some need the likes and the positive comments to feel good. Now, I am not saying that applies to everyone but I saw it a lot on my feed (so I made the decision to activate my Facebook).

This is a wonderful challenge hitting social media. You don’t have any social media accounts? Try and do it anyways! Happiness is the key to success in life, and in today’s society, we do not make time for it.

Check 100happydays out and I promise you will not be sorry.

Best wishes,


Quote of the Day

People think that you have to do something huge, like go to Africa and build a school, but you can make a small change in a day. If you change Wednesday, then you change Thursday. Pretty soon it’s a week, then a month, then a year. It’s bite-size, as opposed to feeling like you have to turn your life inside out to make changes.
-Hoda Kotb

Take Control

How Changing Your Mind Can Make You Feel Happier, Earn More And Live For Longer

Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Most people find a straightforward answer to this question; they know whether their glass is half full, half empty or somewhere in between. And they’re likely to be able to justify their mindset – whether it’s that adopting a pessimistic view prevents disappointment or that looking on the bright side reaps rewards…

Read more by clicking on the Forbes logo!

Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle from Me to You

Here’s that word moderation again… keep that in mind as I list a few healthy tips:

1. Eat a colorful plate of foods.

2. Get at least a half hour of exercise in. (They say an hour of exercise is 4% of your day, so why not?)

3. Learn something new.

4. Breathe. Meditation for just 10 minutes a day could hep clear your mind, help you handle stress better and even help with the symptoms of medical conditions. Learn more here:

5. Smile.

– B, Care Transitions